module, UFC

(per stuk/p.p.) Jaeger Automotive

module, UFC
126,50 *Prices include VAT
Manufacturer Jaeger Automotive
Article code99999909483
5 star(s) in 1 review(s) Write a review
Replacement trailer module. Suitable for sets containing UFC module 52400542N and 52400549N

Product information
  • supplier: Jaeger
  • Supplier article number: 52400549N (formerly 52400542N)
  • barcode (EAN): 4250060561003
  • also applicable when replacing 52400550N module (the 4 pin connection then remains unused)
  • housing dimensions: 125mm x 85mm x 30mm
  • E27 *10R-03*1241*01
  • own weight: 0.193 kg.

Pay attention!
Complex electronics cannot be exchanged.


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Brand Jaeger Automotive
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